Thursday, January 15, 2009

Detox diet -II


Not that it's bad, or anything, but it just doesn't suit me. So up goes another failure diet on me. And hell yeah, it's stacking up. As usual.

So what happened is, I actually had difficulties breathing on the first, second and third night. On the first few days, I thought it was normal, since I was coughing and sick. But not till the third day, when I googled "dizzy, headache, breathing difficulties detox".

And guess what, some of the results actually refer it as a good symptom. I was like "wtf?", and they explained it in a medical way, saying when you have toxic in your blood stream, you actually feel these. Hey, I actually can't breath, AND YOU CALL THIS HEALTHY?

Ok, fine, I actually ate some panadols, and continued my will on the detox. And the next morning, it felt worst, my legs are trembling, and I can't breath again. And this time, I actually stopped it, and grab myself grains to bite on for energy, and it felt so much better. Gosh, I really shall not starve myself anymore.

I swear that I will go on a healthy 1200 calories diet, or perhaps more on certain days, with exercises. NO MORE SHORTCUT WAYS. DAMN. A hard fact, but true, I've tried hundreds of diets, and none of them actually worked, except learning to eat healthily and exercising.

Review on detox diet :

Weight lost: 1-2 lbs per day, but depends, you can actually lose 2lbs on the first day, and gain back another 1lbs the next day (water weight).
Food: Sucks. I hate raw vegetables, and cooked without salt veg.

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