Have been a long time since I last blogged. And the last post, was about how paranoid I was for my results.
Well, it came out pretty good, and I was surprised. XD
It was a pretty good day today, cause I've only got a 2 hours of Cognitive Psychology.
Remember that lecturer I was cursing from the last few post, the one about neuropsychology.
And It happens that this semester, he's taking 2 lectures of Cognitive Psych as well.
And it happens that today, is his last lecture! I was so freaking happy, that I gave him such a big applause shouting "YES NO MORE JASON!"
Ok, I get it, no more jason forte isn't something so good to be blogged about. To be positive, he's a good lecturer, it's just I that I hate perceptions and all about how our brain works.
Well, that's what we people do. People with not much happenings in life.